If you want to have a solid foundation, you can practice fingering and study science first. - Bass/Guitar-Weifang Redforest musical instrument Co., Ltd

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If you want to have a solid foundation, you can practice fingering and study science first.

The main way to learn is to practice.
1. Practice the independence of each finger, on the empty string, thumb three bass strings, forefinger three strings, middle finger two strings, ring finger one string, 53231323, 532123 and so on (right hand). 53231323, 532123 refers to the string, 5 is playing the five string, 3 is playing the three strings, 2 is the second string.
2, learn the scale of C major, repeat practice.
3, play several simple string solos in C major.
4, start learning C major chords.
5, learn theoretical knowledge and learn the relationship between guitar and guitar. Then you won’t be limited to C major.
7, start learning more chords.
8, practice playing and singing.