The Skills of Singing with Electric Guitar - Bass/Guitar-Weifang Redforest musical instrument Co., Ltd

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The Skills of Singing with Electric Guitar

(1) The posture of singing! The posture of singing is divided into standing and sitting postures.
I. Standing type:
To practice singing, first of all, we should have correct standing posture. Correct standing style is the basis of correct breathing and sound production. But it can easily be ignored by beginners.
For example, someone falls down to relax before exhaling, causing chest collapse and abdominal protrusion:
In addition, some people stand in the “slight rest” style when singing. These are not relaxation when singing. They are not a natural, active and full-spirited state of singing. On the contrary, they make the singer in a state of slack and procrastination. How can we sing enthusiastically?
Another example: Some people look down at the music while singing, which not only oppresses the chest, but also makes the cervical spine unable to stretch. We should know that the forms and habits of singing, such as shoulder clamping, concave chest, stomach straightening, neck stretching, crooked head, eyes looking at heaven, will directly affect the functions of the organs of vocalization and coordination among them, leading to wrong vocalization.
The correct standing posture should be: body standing naturally, full of spirit, positive mood, chest naturally rising, abdomen contraction; feet slightly separated in octagonal shape or one after another, about the same distance as shoulder width;
The center of gravity is slightly forward, the cervical spine and lumbar spine are extended, the forehead is slightly forward, the chin is relaxed and slightly backward, and the eyes are flat.
Put your shoulders down and stretch back slightly. Don’t strain your facial muscles. Feel your lower abdomen in line with your eyebrows and try to relieve all unnecessary tensions.
If you pay attention to the correct standing posture in singing and do it carefully, you will benefit a lot.
Two. Sitting:
When sitting and singing, the upper body posture is the same as when standing, but pay attention to the waist should be straight, do not lean on the back of the chair, legs naturally bend, separate, feet landing. Don’t overlap your legs, otherwise it will affect the breath. When reading and singing, you are required to sing with music in both hands. When stroking, the left hand holds the spectrum and the right hand gently strokes.
In a word, when singing, the posture should be correct, natural and beautiful. The standard is that it does not interfere with the normal activities of the whole vocal organ and is conducive to singing.
(2) Breathing in Singing
Breathing is the driving force of singing. When people are calm, the time of inhalation and exhalation is roughly equal, and the amount of inhalation is small. When you speak, you also burn off your breath at any time. But when singing, the breathing time is much longer than the breathing time, so the breathing must be full. In singing, the exhalation should be kept as long as possible, and the breath should flow out evenly and steadily, so that the breath can be changed into sound, and the purpose of controlling the intensity, weakness, length and short of the voice freely can be achieved.
Ancient people said that “good singers must adjust their breath first”, and today Chinese and foreign singing and performing artists also attach great importance to the breath of singing. Some people say that “the art of singing is the art of breathing”. Although this expression is partial, it shows the importance of breathing in singing. Breathing in singing is very different from breathing in ordinary times. It is a special way of breathing.
How to inhale:
When singing and inhaling, it is required to inhale at the same time with the mouth and nose, to the bottom of the lung lobe. With the abdominal wall under the heart socket as the center, the lower part of the thorax expands outward (the ribs feel obvious), the diaphragm drops, the bottom of the thorax extends downward, the whole thoracic cavity expands and the lower abdomen contracts. Inhalation in singing is deeper than that in subconscious breathing on weekdays. The decrease of diaphragm and the expansion of thoracic cavity cause the increase of inspiration. In this way, the diaphragm grasps the initiative of breathing and completes the task of controlling breath with the abdominal muscles. This is a conscious, proactive breathing.